Jay Sawyer
Art is a true passion; it does not seem like work most of the time.
After graduating from Maine Maritime Academy in 1983 with a BS Marine Engineering, I worked in marine related employment for the next 9 years. My work is heavily comprised of salvaged metals of several sorts. Over the years I ran my welding/consulting company, many projects were repairs, upgrades, and modifications of all types of machinery and equipment, structural welding, marine repairs, bridge work, farm equipment, over the road machinery, signage, etc. Often this left me with the duty of removing the discarded materials. I began developing an eye and an appreciation for more and more of this detritus and resolving ways of putting the material to use. Over time the end result was in more of an artistic manner. Efforts in my “shop” with the actual intent of creating something “artistic” began in early 2005. 2016 marked one full decade of exhibiting sculpture. At that time, I made a complete transition into a career as a full time artist.